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As an example of how to use a code sample in a Wiki page (at least that's my excuse), here's a prototype ASP script that can be used to integrate Zope into IIS. It works sort of the same way that you can integrate Zope into Apache with mod_proxy. - BruceDodson {{{ <% 'This script is installed in /zope.asp 'ASPFool.dll is installed as a filter. Const zopeurl = "http://localhost:8080" zopepath = Mid(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO"), Len(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) + 1) if Len(Request.QueryString) then zopepath = zopepath & "?" & Request.QueryString end if Sub CopyContentType() On Error Resume Next Dim contentType contentType = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") if Len(contentType) then Response.ContentType = contentType end if End Sub Sub CopyResponseHeader(headerName) On Error Resume Next Dim hearderVal headerVal = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader(headerName) if Len(headerVal) then Response.AddHeader headerName, headerVal end if End Sub Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD"), zopeurl & zopepath, false 'BASIC authentication won't work, because the IIS auth filters get first crack at it. 'Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"), Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_PASSWORD") 'Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") 'zopeurl & zopepath 'Response.End ' copy request headers? yes (selectively), but not for prototype. ' Request.ServerVariables("ALL_RAW") ' xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(header, value) if (Request.TotalBytes > 0) then xmlhttp.send(Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)) else xmlhttp.send end if Response.Status = xmlhttp.status & " " & xmlhttp.statusText CopyContentType CopyResponseHeader "Content-Length" ' copy response headers? yes (selectively) but not for prototype. ' xmlhttp.getResponseHeader / getAllResponseHeaders ' Response.AddHeader HeaderName, HeaderVaue Response.BinaryWrite xmlhttp.responseBody ' Another thing for after prototype would be to go in async ' mode so the whole body doesn't need to be read and written ' in one gulp. %> }}} As you can tell that's just a prototype - some functionality and some of the finer points are omitted. However, it does allow you to have URLs like {{{}}} get proxied to {{{http://localhost:8080/myzopeapp/somepage.zpt}}} on the same server, where Zope is assumed to be running. Note, this is different from just redirecting to Zope, as it does not require the port Zope HTTP port to be open on the firewall. You do need an IIS filter to go with this: aspfool.dll. I could have sworn I got my copy with %SourceForgeProject:viewcvs%, but I can't find a link anywhere on their site or elsewhere on the web. ASPFool is what convinces ASP to recognize that URI with zope.asp in the middle, as an ASP script. If anyone has a link to it, please update this page. Also, of course, this could be used for other "reverse proxy" scenarios besides Zope. For example, %SourceForgeProject:roundup% could be proxied the same way, just by renaming it roundup.asp and changing the port number if appropriate. The above is just a prototype. For anything useful like Roundup or an actual Zope app, the above script would need to be fleshed out to transfer more headers (like expires and cookies) through the proxy. There are some starting points in the comments. ---- *Related pages:* %Unclassified% ----